In our model of sharing resources, the following education materials are available for loan through the Northeast Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative and its community partners. 


To request a kit or model please email nemiglsi@greatlakesstewardship.orgOur service counties are; Alcona, Alpena, Arenac, Cheboygan, Iosco, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Oscoda, and Presque Isle. NEMIGLSI partners regularly travel throughout these counties, we can facilitate a pick-up/drop-off as needed -- do not let distance be a barrier.

If you would like to checkout an Educational Kit, please submit a form using this link! 

Educational Materials Menu

Examples of educational kits, see full kit menu below.

 Shipwrecked! Kit Great Lakes Fisheries KitWater Sampling KitGreat Lakes Maritime Transportation KitPollinator Kit
Fish Printing KitAdopt-a-BeachVernal PoolsMicroBeadInvasive Species Kit
Abiotic Water Quality Testing KitsPlastic Panic! Wisconsin Sea GrantipadsGroundwater ModelAttack Pack
Bag ItMacroinvertebrate KitEnviroscape Watershed ModelGPS UnitsWatershed Game