Videos About NEMIGLSI

Check out these short videos to learn more about the NEMIGLSI network and our role in supporting students, educators and the community through place-based stewardship education!

Videos Highlighting Place-Based Stewardship Education

RAIN GARDEN AT HARRISVILLE HARBOR: Alcona High Schoolers from Kathin Luce's Environmental Science class chose a rain garden as their place-based stewardship education project.  Watch the video to see how this impacted their learning, the community and future ES classes.

TEACHER TALK: a 3rd grade teacher talks about how she is engaging her students in PBSE at a local state park and the impact it has.

TEACHER TALK: All Saints Science teacher Christopher Wright shares why he values PBSE during a site visit where his students got to document a shipwreck, while learning what an archeologist would do!

PROOF OF IMPACT: A full-circle story of PBSE.  From being an engaged student to a teacher leading with PBSE.

LAKE HURON STUDIES: Alcona High Schoolers learning about Lake Huron while standing on the shores of Lake Huron at North Point Nature Preserve.  This is a highlight from a field visit with team members from Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary leading stations/lessons.

FOSSIL SEARCH! Elementary students embark on Rockport State Park as part of a science lesson focusing on the thousands of years of geological history at the site.