Visit the Student Film Competition's Main Page for all event information.
As part of Thunder Bay International Film Festival, the NEMIGLSI network and partners host a Student Film Competition. Middle and High School students (6th-12th grade) are eligible to enter individually or as a team, and there is NO entry fee for the competition. Interested in submitting a film? See the details and flyer below! File submission deadline: January 5th, 2024. This year's theme is "Life in the Great Lakes."
For more information on the entire Film Festival happening January 24th - 28th, 2024, you can click on this link to take you to the "Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary" website.
Film Festival – Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary (
Submit Your Film Here
All submissions will be judged by a jury of professional filmmakers and Great Lakes conservationists. Judging will be completed by Saturday, January 13th and the winners will be announced on Saturday, January 27th as part of the Film Festival. A group of selected student films will be shown on the big screen, including the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. There will also be a quick vote after the viewing of films to determine a People's Choice Award!
Cash prizes will be awarded to all winners, thanks to sponsorship from the Friends of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
It is free to attend the Student Film Competition program during the Film Festival.
Subject matter should focus on the theme, Life in the Great Lakes, and it should connect to how you experience and explore and are inspired by the world around you.
All film genres will be accepted.
We encourage creativity with all film entries!
Entries will be accepted from all students in grades 6 -12th. Entry is not exclusive to organized school programs.
Film submissions must be 3 minutes or less in length (including credits).
Films must be produced and made in entirety by student(s) or student teams, but entrants may have an adult mentor.
All audio/video/graphic content must be original, copyright free or have written permission and be properly documented.
Video creation tools will be allowed for production, with documented use of such tools.
Final submissions should either be in .MOV format (1080 Widescreen preferred) or online link (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) and must include a completed student submission form.
- Submissions are DUE: January 5th, 2024; if you have questions email or call 989.590.1297